Our client seeks a comprehensive resolution for effortlessly transporting an unconventional load through a 150-foot corridor that encompasses multiple turns. Notably, the load incorporates a bottom valve that necessitates special consideration. Presently, the client contends with suboptimal equipment mobility within the corridor, resorting to the deployment of two different pieces of equipment—one for lifting and another for the subsequent movement of the load. Moreover, due to the environment’s potentially explosive nature, the requirement for all stainless-steel components and air-powered mechanisms has become imperative.
The proposed remedy entails the development of a custom air pallet system, designed to address the intricate demands of the situation using air casters (or air bearings). The system showcases a strategically crafted notch to seamlessly accommodate the load, valve and all. Effectively combining both lifting and transportation functionalities. This design eliminates the use of multiple pieces of equipment, streamlining the entire process, and enables a lone operator to deftly navigate and direct an impressive 16,000 lbs. load with ease.
This air caster solution emerges as a less expensive and more efficient alternative to a conventional wheeled transporter, boasting a substantially reduced cost profile. Furthermore, the implementation integrates stainless-steel components, ensuring enduring reliability and resilience. Importantly, the chosen air-powered design addresses the potentially hazardous setting, aligning perfectly with safety standards.